Termites. White ants.

What does it mean to dream of termites and white ants? Do you dream of termites and white ants?

Termites are also known as large water ants, mainly because they are usually found when it rains

Termites have hard mouths that can bite wood to pieces, symbolizing the acquisition of wealth by forceful means. It is a good dream because the dreamer has a lot of energy and ability to 'eat well' wherever he goes.

To dream that termites have left the nest, this dream may imply that the dreamer is likely to go out in the near future, such as traveling or because of work needs to go out on business, etc., the road will be smoother, but also to remind the dreamer, go out, must pay attention to the safety, especially do not easily to offend others, we must know that the strong dragon does not suppress the snake on the ground. The reasoning behind this is that 'the strongest dragon will not suppress the head of the snake'.

When you dream of termites entering your home, this dream may indicate that the dreamer's recent financial fortune is relatively good, and the dreamer is likely to earn abundant wealth income in the near future, and even live a rich and happy life as a result, which is a good dream with great luck.

Original Dream Interpretation

Termites entering the home is a good way to bring in wealth. The Dreams of the Duke of Zhou

When termites leave home, one has less to eat and wear. Zhou Gong Dream Interpretation

The termites leave the house.

Case study of a dream of termites and white ants

Dream description : There was a construction worker who dreamed that a large swarm of termites swarmed into the foot of his bed, and that the termites were like a moving, irregular sphere rolling around the room. All the objects where the termites went, disappeared, perhaps eaten by the termites. The worker was too scared to get out of bed, and as the contents of the room diminished, those termite swarms got bigger and bigger, and the size of the single termites was getting bigger and bigger. Seeing that they are about to attack themselves, the worker panicked and casually picked up a box of matches, polished them and threw them to the termite swarms, instantly they turned into fireballs, the whole house lit up at once, and all those disappeared furniture returned to their original places.

Dream Analysis: Termites are more harmful than beneficial to human beings, the damage caused by their harm is amazing, they will not only cause harm to crops, especially to the most serious harm to sugarcane, but also to trees, houses and buildings, river dykes and dams, etc. In addition, the termites can eat silver, termites secrete a high concentration of formic acid, which reacts with silver to form silver formate, which is a kind of black powder that will be eaten by termites. Having termites in your life can have an impact on people's property.

Dream scholars believe that termites are the masters of wealth, and that termites have hard mouths that can bite wood to pieces, symbolizing the acquisition of wealth by forceful means. So, if you dream of termites leaving your home, it means that wealth is leaving you and you will live a tight life, on the contrary, if you dream of termites in your home, it is an auspicious omen of wealth.